
Loch Raven Reservoir Road Sign Picture of people boating on the reservoir

The  City of Baltimore maintains high-quality sources of water through a comprehensive program designed to minimize threats to the water supply. 

 DPW is responsible for the stewardship of 24,580 acres of watershed, which includes the Loch Raven, Prettyboy and Liberty reservoirs. These regional assets are the foundation of the healthful, great-tasting drinking water provided to 1.8 million people in the Baltimore region.

Boating on the Reservoirs

DPW promotes responsible boating on its reservoirs. All boaters wishing to put a watercraft into a reservoir must follow guidelines that include using boats of a certain size, and NOT using motors powered by propane or gasoline. Boat owners and operators must further agree NOT to use a boat permitted for use on Liberty, Prettyboy, or Loch Raven reservoirs on any other body of water. This is to control the spread of invasive species, including zebra mussels.

Please complete and return the permit for boating on Liberty or Prettyboy, which includes detailed regulations.

For more information about boating on Loch Raven Reservoir, including boating permits, please visit the Baltimore County website.  

Protecting the Water Sources
The Reservoir Natural Resources Section (RNRS) was created to oversee the source water protection program, in addition, to maintaining the City-owned land, roads, dams and infrastructure within the reservoir watersheds. Through these efforts, future generations will have the opportunity to enjoy an abundant water supply and experience the reservoir watersheds.

Contacting the Reservoir Natural Resources Section
Ryan Mazeska , Watershed Section Manager
5685 Oakland Road.
Eldersburg, Maryland 21784-6828

Phone: 410-795-6151
Fax: 410-549-9327
General boating information:  (410) 795-6150


Black Bear Safety Tips: What to Do If You See a Black Bear

Black bear mating season occurs during the summer, usually in late June or early July. Seeing a bear in the wild can be very enjoyable. Only 10% of our population has seen a bear in the wild, and the vast majority of those individuals reside in western Maryland. For more information, view the Black Bear Tips document.

Contacting the Reservoir Natural Resources Section

Ryan Mazeska , Watershed Section Manager
5685 Oakland Road.
Eldersburg, Maryland 21784-6828
Phone: 410-795-6151

Fax: 410-549-9327
General boating information: (410) 795-6150