About Us
Welcome to the Department of Public Works (DPW) website. This website is intended to provide a general overview of DPW and more importantly provide information that you might find useful as a resident, business owner or visitor to Baltimore City. DPW prides itself on providing quality services and strives to be responsive to your needs. Please take the time to explore our entire website and check back often as new information is constantly added.

We support the health, environment, and economy of our City and the region by providing customers with safe drinking water and keeping neighborhoods and waterways clean.

To be a strong proponent and protector of our environment and the health and vitality of our communities.
Division Directory
The Bureau of Solid Waste maintains the City’s cleanliness through its multifaceted waste collections, cleaning and disposal programs. The Bureau is divided into four divisions each with different areas of responsibility in waste management and disposal. The Bureau collects and disposes of residential trash and recycling, has a City-wide mechanical street sweeping program, cleans and boards vacant properties, runs the Rat Rubout Program, and offers specialized recycling collections of scrap metal, electronics, Styrofoam and household hazardous waste.
Ask a Question or Submit Water Billing Information The Water and Wastewater Bureau focuses on producing and transporting clean drinking water and collecting and treating wastewater plus the associated maintenance functions; additionally, it manages the metering and billing of approximately 412,000 retail accounts in Baltimore City and Baltimore County, as well as wholesale accounts for Carroll, Anne Arundel, Harford, and Howard Counties.
The Office of Asset Management is responsible for optimizing the service life of sewer and water linear infrastructure through the development and implementation of proactive inspection and preventative maintenance programs. The Office implements a strategic approach to managing these assets at a sustainable cost and an acceptable level of risk. The Office aims to transition the Department of Public Works from a reactive mode of asset maintenance to a proactive mode, utilizing risk-based planning and other asset management principles to make sound decisions on managing its assets.
This Office of Compliance and Research is committed to enhancing environmental regulatory compliance for the Department through collaboration, management program improvements, and regulatory enforcement. The 40-position staff of this Office consists of engineers, scientists, and planners. The Office includes the following sections: Plans Review and Inspections, Water Quality Monitoring and Investigations, Watershed Planning and Partnerships, and Research and Technical Resources. The Plans Review and Inspections Section is responsible for all DPW review of both public and private construction projects as a part of the permitting process.
The Office of Engineering and Construction (OEC) is responsible for planning and directing the design, construction, contract administration, and inspection of utility infrastructure, dams, bridges, and water and wastewater treatment facilities. The OEC also reviews and inspects construction to assure adherence to codes, costs, progress and quality as programmed in the DPW capital improvement plan. OEC is responsible for engineering design for contracts to construct and maintain water and wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, and the collection and conveyance system. and provides a wide array of on call construction services that serve the urgent needs of the DPW Bureau of Water and Wastewater Utility Maintenance Division.
The Office of Fiscal Management is responsible for the preparation and monitoring of DPW’s operating and capital budgets, rates and financial forecasting, capital project financing, procurement and inter-jurisdictional cost sharing agreements.
The Office is responsible for participating in policy analyses and is the intermediary between this Department and elected officials at the City, State and federal levels, in concert with the Mayor’s Office of Government Relations. All legislative proposals and positions either originate with or are processed through this Office. Whether it is resolving a prolonged constituent problem, providing briefings on agency initiatives or policies, or presenting testimony, it is important that the Department speak with one voice when appearing before or interacting with our elected officials.
The Office of Strategy and Performance (OSAP) provides assistance and takes the lead in making sure key projects and programs have thorough advanced planning, ensuring that each implementation step is well supported, managed, tracked and monitored from conception to completion. OSAP compares project and program outcomes with the desired objectives to help identify where improvements may be needed to secure even better performance. It is the role of OSAP to continuously provide guidance in the application of industry best practices.
The agency head or executive director is the custodian of the records for this entity. You may contact Dominic Lamartina, 200 Holliday Street, Suite 203, Baltimore, MD 21202, 410-396-3312 about requesting records from this entity.