ACCE Draft Public Notice

Academy for College and Career Exploration – Greening Project, ESD# 6399
1300 West 36th Street, Baltimore, MD 21211
Application for Redevelopment Waiver

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a Redevelopment waiver. The applicant has provided stormwater management for the proposed project whether or not the waiver is granted.


Blue Water Baltimore, 3545 Belair Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21213

Project Description:

Project involves the removal of 0.72 acres of an existing paved parking lot / general use area and conversion to open space grassed area. All proposed grades on the site will be returned to existing elevations and all existing drainage structures and drainage patterns will be maintained to that of the existing conditions. The project meets the applicable requirements through reduction of impervious area of at least 50% of the site’s existing impervious area within the limits of disturbance.

The Applicant is requesting a Redevelopment Waiver in accordance with Section 23-7(C)(3) of the City Code. The project meets the requirements of reduction of impervious area of at least 50% of the site’s existing impervious area within the limits of disturbance.

To obtain information about this application, please contact Mr. Warren Ware, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410) 396-0732 or by e-mail to

Send information or comments about this application to Mr. Warren Ware, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410) 396-0732 or by e-mail to by 4:30pm, July 8, 2011.

Comments received after 4:30pm, July 8, 2011will not be considered.

Any further notices about actions on this application will be posted on the Department’s website.

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