Pompeian Baltimore Facility Expansion


Pompeian Baltimore Facility Expansion

4201 Pulaski Hwy & 201 N Haven Street
Baltimore City, Maryland

Application for Variance

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a variance of Stormwater Management. If granted, the project will still need to provide water qualitative controls, per the requirements of the State’s Design Manual.

Applicant: Pompeian Inc. (4201 Pulaski Hwy & 201 N Haven Street, Baltimore, MD 21224)
BCNR #: 11112
Watershed(s): Baltimore Harbor
Project Description:

 The project has an approximate Limit of Disturbance (LOD) area of 6.77 acres and is bounded by Pulaski Highway to the north, N Kresson St to the east, and N Haven St to the west. The project will consist of the redevelopment of the property with a building addition to south of the existing Pompeian Facility and separate proposed building along N Haven Street with associated parking and landscape improvements.

The Applicant is requesting a variance in accordance with Article 7, §23-4 of the City Code for approximately 2.19 acres associated with the LOD of this project for recharge provision. The Applicant has demonstrated that 3.80 acres of Impervious Area Requiring Treatment for the project will have water quality and quantity control provided. The applicant will not be required to provide recharge provision for 2.19 acres of new impervious area associated with this project due to the project being redevelopment with greater than 40% existing impervious and environmentally sensitive soils below grade within the site that prevent recharge of the underground stormwater facilities from being feasible. Remaining water quality controls are provided via underground stormwater management facilities.

To obtain information about this waiver request, please contact Norman Seldon, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Office of Research and Environmental Protection, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to DPW.Plansreview@baltimorecity.gov

Send information or comments about this waiver request to Norman Seldon, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Office of Compliance and Research, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to DPW.Plansreview@baltimorecity.gov by 4:30 PM, November 13, 2024. Comments received after 4:30 PM, November 13, 2024,will not be considered. 

Any further notices about actions on this waiver request will be posted on the Department’s website

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