Application for Redevelopment Waiver
Thursday Jan 13th, 2022
Westport – Mass Grading
2001-2401 Kloman Street
Baltimore City, Maryland
Application for Redevelopment Waiver
The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a redevelopment waiver. If granted, the project will still need to provide water qualitative controls, per the requirements of the State’s Design Manual.
Applicant: Westport Capital Development, LLC by Stonewall Capital, LLC Attn: Ray Jackson 15 W. Alesbury Rd, Suite 400C Timonium MD 21093
ESD #: 8086
Watershed(s): Baltimore Harbor
Project Description: The project has an approximate area of 17.22 acres and is located northeast at the intersection of Waterview Ave and Kloman Street. The project will consist of mass grading a fill to raise the waterfront site.
The Applicant is requesting a redevelopment waiver in accordance with Article 7, §23-7 of the City Code. The existing impervious area coverage meets the conditions for this waiver. The project will provide water quality controls to satisfy the requirements of this waiver for 8.49 ac of this project.
To obtain information about this waiver request, please contact Norman Seldon, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Office of Compliance and Research, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to
Send information or comments about this waiver request to Norman Seldon, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Office of Compliance and Research, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to by 4:30 PM, January 25, 2022. Comments received after 4:30 PM, January 25, 2022, will not be considered.
Any further notices about actions on this waiver request will be posted on the Department’s website.