Over 39,000 Municipal Trash Cans Already Delivered to City Neighborhoods

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

BALTIMORE -- More than 39,000 cans have been delivered since Baltimore’s Municipal Trash Can program debuted on March 1. Some neighborhoods with the green municipal cans have already received two or even three trash collections from Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) crews.

Each day, Monday through Saturday, close to 2,000 cans are delivered to City neighborhoods.

So far the cans have been delivered in the City’s northwest neighborhoods. Now they are rolling out in Northeast Baltimore communities between Charles Village and Belair Edison.

More information about the distribution schedule, and other facts about the Municipal Trash Can program, is available on the Baltimore City Department of Public Works’ website, http://PublicWorks.BaltimoreCity.gov.
Municipal Trash Can Questions

Several questions have come up over the course of the trash can distribution that deserve attention:

Why was a 65-gallon can delivered, when a smaller 35-gallon can was requested and approved?

A 65-gallon can was delivered because the request for a smaller can was made after the distribution schedule for the neighborhood was locked in place by the vendor. These residents will get a 35-gallon can after July 1, when the rest of the trash can distribution is complete.  

Residents may continue to use the 65-gallon can until the smaller can is delivered, or they may direct DPW to retrieve the 65-gallon can within three business days and wait for the 35-gallon can to arrive after July 1. Residents may call 311 to report that the wrong size can was delivered, and DPW will work with them to make the correction.
When is the deadline for requesting a 35-gallon can?

Residents of neighborhoods scheduled for delivery in May and June (mostly those in South and East Baltimore, check the schedule at http://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/portals/publicworks/documents/MTC%2...) may still get a smaller can delivered if they call 311 by April 20. They must meet the requirements of having one of a block-long group of row houses and front trash collection. DPW will not be able to take requests for the smaller cans after April 20.
What happens if the trash can is stolen?

The Municipal Trash Cans are the property of the City of Baltimore. If they are stolen, DPW needs a police report number  to properly account for the missing cans. Citizens requesting a replacement for a stolen can are asked to file a stolen property report online at http://www.baltimorepolice.org/, where they will be given a report number.

DPW cannot provide a free replacement without this police report number.
Can DPW track and locate my Municipal Trash Can?

Radio frequency identification tags embedded in the cans do help DPW workers to quickly check cans to determine which property they are assigned. However, these tags can only be checked with a hand-held scanner placed next to the can. The tags are not beacons that can be located remotely.
What’s wrong with my trash can lid?

Some cans are being delivered with lids that appear deformed. This should not be a cause for concern. The plastic lids may lose their shape in storage or in shipping. But within a few days they should regain their proper form and be properly seated atop the can.

DPW asks that residents call 30 days after delivery if the lids are still deformed. The can will be repaired or replaced for free.

Answers to additional Municipal Trash Can questions can be found athttp://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/portals/publicworks/documents/Hand%20Out%20FAQ_021916.pdf.

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