218/220 E. Lexington St & 200 N. Holliday St

The City of Baltimore’s Bureau of Water and Wastewater will be performing important utility work in your area. The work to be performed consists of emergency repairs / planned maintenance / urgent need repairs / or planned capital work for the storm, water or sanitary utility.

Date: 6-3-11

Time: 1am to 3am

Location: 218/220 E. Lexington St & 200 N. Holliday St

Description of Work: Water main rehabilitation work. Water will be off.

Location Contact Person: Paul Burgee Telephone #: 410-396-3671

If water service is interrupted during the performance of this work, you may experience discolored or cloudy water. Once service is restored, it would be beneficial to open a tap in the basement of your property and let the water run. This should clear the water within five to ten minutes.

If you have any questions about this project or if your water does not clear, please call 410-396-3671 Monday thru Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please call 311 (in Baltimore City) or 410-396-5352 (in Baltimore County) for weekend and after-hours concerns or for service requests.

While we endeavor to do everything we can to make operations run smoothly and with minimum disruptions for you and your neighbors, there are times when that will not be possible due to the nature of our work. We do want to hear from you whether it is a suggestion on how we can improve our work or to acknowledge a successful outcome. Thank you in advance for your patience.

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