New Water Main for Saint Paul Place, Accelerated Installations Continue

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Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director Rudiolph S. Chow, P.E., joins with the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, in advising motorists that East Saratoga Street will close during the weekend of Aug. 6-7 at St. Paul Place for the installation of a new water main.

 Approximately 100 linear feet of 20-inch diameter water main will be installed in East Saratoga Street within the intersection of Saint Paul Place. Additionally, 675 linear feet of 20-inch water main will be replaced in Saint Paul Place from East Saratoga Street to East Mulberry Street. Another 35 linear feet of 20-inch water main will be replaced in East Mulberry Street in the western portion of the Saint Paul Place intersection.

 The Baltimore City Department of Public works has undertaken an intensive program to rehabilitate and replace the City’s aging underground water lines. During the last fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2016, 19 miles were completed in the City. This was four miles more than the goal for the year. There are approximately 4,500 miles of water mains in the Baltimore City Water Service Area.

 Starting at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 6, and continuing until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 7East Saratoga Street will be closed to through traffic at the intersection of St. Paul Street with detours in effect. In addition, lane closures will be implemented along St. Paul Place during this time. At least one lane of through traffic will remain open for commuters along St. Paul Place while the water main is being installed.


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