Recycling and Gift-Giving Go Hand-in-Hand This Holiday Season

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BALTIMORE, MD (December 22, 2014) - During this holiday season, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works reminds everyone that gift-giving and recycling can go hand-in-hand.

Here are a few holiday recycling hints.    

Wrap gifts in recycled or reused wrapping paper:
Also remember to save or recycle your used wrapping paper.  Give gifts that do not require much packaging, such as concert tickets or gift certificates.
Send recycled content greeting cards to reduce the amount of virgin paper used during the holidays.  Remember to recycle any paper cards you receive.  Send electronic greeting cards to reduce paper waste.

Buy rechargeable batteries:
About 40 percent of all battery sales occur during the holiday season.  Buy rechargeable batteries to accompany your electronic gifts, and consider giving a battery charger as well.  Rechargeable batteries reduce the amount of potentially harmful materials thrown away.  Remember, you can dispose of batteries during household hazardous waste drop-off days.  Check your 2015 DPW Calendar for dates and locations.

Buy gifts that are made of recycled materials:
Check product labels to determine an item’s recyclability and whether it is made from recycled materials.  Buying recycled encourages manufacturers to make more recycled-content products available. 

Happy Holidays!

For more information about recycling and e-cycling in Baltimore please go

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