City Awarded Recycling Bin Grant

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BALTIMORE, MD (April 3, 2014) – Public Works Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., announced today that Baltimore has been chosen as a recipient in the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group/Keep America Beautiful (KBA) Public Park Recycling Bin Grant Program.

The Department of Public Works’ (DPW) Office of Recycling partnered with the City’s Department of Recreation and Parks for the grant which funds the placement of recycling bins in parks across America. The program’s inaugural year provided more than 700 durable, permanent recycling bins for placement in a variety of park settings in 23 states. Through the KBA bin grant program encouragement is provided to more than 720 million park visitors each year to recycle, reduce litter and protect parks and recreation centers throughout the country.

Baltimore applied for, and received, a grant for six full-size outdoor recycling bins with the possibility of getting more bins for an expanded park recycling program. The six recycling bins will be serviced and monitored by DPW’s Bureau of Solid Waste. The results will sent back to KAB. High use of the recycling bins will enable us to successfully compete for future grants.

The bins will arrive in May and be placed at Cylburn Arboretum, a 207-acre public space with display gardens, woody plant collections, historic mansion, and mature woodlands. The recycling bins will be adjacent to matching trash cans, and be located in high traffic areas.

For more information on the grant, please visit:

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