DPW Encourages Independence Day Recycling

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

BALTIMORE, MD (June 24, 2013) – There is a green way to celebrate the red, white and blue holiday. Public Works Director Alfred H. Foxx would like to remind residents to keep the environment in mind by recycling during Independence Day festivities. As families and friends gather for cookouts and picnics please remember to reduce the amount of trash generated by following these easy steps:

  •     Bring a recycling bin, bag, or box along with you for your July 4 celebrations.
  •     Separate items like aluminum, glass and paper from the other waste.
  •     Use plates and utensils that are reusable, biodegradable, or recyclable.
  •     Once your festivities are over, pack up your recyclables and bring them home.
  •     Set the recyclables out along with the rest of your recycling on your collection day. Remember, there is no limit to the amount of the materials you can set out. To find your collection day please visit http://cityview.baltimorecity.gov/.

There are other ways to reduce your waste and eco-footprint:

  •     Use an environmentally friendly grill like a solar grill.
  •     Purchase products with minimal or recyclable packaging.
  •     Shop at your local farmer's markets and carry a reusable bag whenever you shop.

As recycling is essential to cleaning up Baltimore and keeping it clean, residents should make it a daily commitment. The City hopes to reach a 35% recycling rate this year, so residents are urged to support the Drive to 35 campaign by maximizing their recycling efforts.

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