Loch Raven Day – a DPW Success!

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Visitors Enjoyed History, Music, Wildlife and Tours of the Dam

Baltimore City Public Works Director Alfred H. Foxx today announced that a capacity crowd of well-over 1000 people attended Loch Raven Day. The event capped off National Public Works Week on May 26 and was held at Loch Raven Reservoir. This attendance more than doubled the number of visitors who came out last year.

This was the 4th year for Loch Raven Day, an event that is quickly becoming a Baltimore tradition. Loch Raven Day harkens back to the old Baltimore tradition of weekend family trips to Loch Raven Dam where everyone could enjoy bird-watching, hiking or seeing the giant carp swim alongside the Dam. And yes, some of those enormous fish put in an appearance, as did bluegills, pickerel, sunfish and more.

Loch Raven Day visitors, including some from as far away as Asia, Africa and Europe, were treated to tours and displays on the Dam itself. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Scales and Tales, regaled young and not-so-young with rescued owls, hawks, snakes and more. A score of hikers went on a 1 ½ mile guided walk through the woods with our biologists pointing out the flora and fauna of our watershed. Mark Hopkins played guitar and sang new songs as well as songs from the Band, Ray Charles, the Beatles and more – all to the delight of the crowds. An authentic 17th century Baltimore Ranger encampment was also a part of the educational and fun-filled day.

If you missed this fun event, there’s still one more opportunity to enjoy the reservoir during “Dam Jam”, scheduled for September 22, 2012. Check DPW’s website for soon-to-come details of this event at www.baltimorecity.gov.

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